Student - Parent Handbook
Dress Code & Grooming
(pg. 28-29 of the Foxboro Student & Parent Handbook)
The Governing Board believes that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment. The Board expects students to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and to wear clothes that are suitable for the school activities in which they participate. Students’ clothing must not present a health or safety hazard or a distraction, which would interfere with the educational process.
Students and parents/guardians shall be informed about dress and grooming standards at the beginning of the school year and whenever these standards are revised. A student who violates these standards shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
Dress Code
All students and adults, including visitors and volunteers, are expected to attend Foxboro Elementary School dressed appropriately.
Because it is difficult to regulate room temperatures, students are encouraged to bring a jacket to school. Students are encouraged not to bring expensive jackets, clothing, shoes, large sums of money, etc. to campus. Foxboro is not responsible for such articles.
Appropriate student attire, hygiene, and personal grooming are important to student success and safety. We are dressing for situational appropriateness. What might be appropriate dress for leisure activities may not be best practice at schools.
The following rules will be enforced: (Updated 9/12/2024)
• All clothing must be appropriate for school and must adequately cover the student’s body, including legs, midriff, and chest.
• Clothing that exposes undergarments is not allowed.
• Shoes must be worn at all times. Shoes with built in skates are not permitted. Athletic shoes are recommended to be worn every day, as each day begins with JumpStart P.E. Tennis (athletic) shoes are the only type of shoes appropriate for PE. Students without tennis (athletic) shoes on their PE days may be offered an alternate activity if their shoes are not safe for the class activity.
• Articles of clothing which display profanity, obscenity, vulgarity; that display any other questionable printing; slogans which promote tobacco, alcohol, or drugs, or materially interfere with schoolwork, or create disorder, or disruption in the educational process, are not allowed.*
• Halter tops, strapless, single strap, backless shirts, spaghetti straps, see-through shirts or shirts which do not cover the midriff/chest area are not allowed. Jackets or sweaters must be worn over these types of clothes, or additional layers underneath.
• No short shorts or skirts. Shorts/skirts cannot be shorter than the length of your fingertips extended at your side. Leggings or tights may be worn underneath.
• No holes in pants above pocket line without leggings or tights underneath
• No gang-related attire is not to be worn. Gang related attire is defined by the Solano County Gang Task Force and the Fairfield and Vacaville Police Departments.
• No “sagging” pants (must be secure at the waist). Zip-ties are available from staff.
• Jewelry which could distract the educational process or which could be a safety or health issue is not acceptable.
• Make-up should not be applied at school.
It is important to note that certain inappropriate styles, items of clothing, or accessories may become popular during the course of a school year and may not be reflected in this code. Students and their families are hereby informed that the dress code can and will be modified by school staff without prior notice in order to address specific concerns pertaining to student dress or grooming that might cause and/or create a distraction, disturbance, safety hazard, and/or health hazard to students or others. Whenever such changes are made in the course of the school year, site administration will make every effort to communicate the new standards to students and parents alike.
Dress code violations are subject to progressive discipline. Students may be required to change clothes at staff/administration discretion.
*Inappropriate shirts will be confiscated, and parents must claim them in the front office.
Cell Phones on Campus
While students are discouraged from bringing cell phones or any electronic devices to school, many families choose to provide their student with a cell phone or electronic device for safety and communication purposes. Students who bring a cell phone or electronic device to school are responsible for ensuring that it is turned off and out of sight in their backpacks at all times while on the Foxboro campus.
Cell phones, electronic games and electronic devices will be taken away from students in violation of the above rule. Parents/ guardians will then be required to pick up their student’s property from the office and each offense will be documented in the student’s discipline record. Repeated offenses may result in further consequences.
Students are not allowed to use cell phones for taking photographs or videotaping at school for any reason.